Hi @paulij I agree with Lucy. But if you want to encourage some naps during the day, then I would start teaching him something that requires some...
Quite a number of dogs bear anxiety when approached directly. It's read as a sign of approaching conflict. Watch dogs interacting. They generally...
Hi @Harriett Nicholson Two suggestions. Teach your dog LAT for the first behaviour. There is an entire folder on such training on this site. The...
Emily it sounds like you are having success, and doing the right thing. I wouldn't train a young dog for 10 minutes straight. I prefern2 to 3...
Hi @Sunshine86 No I'm not saying that. I would need to observe him to say whether he dislikes something. My guess is that he wants to get down...
Hi @Sunshine86 I suggest you try a large shoulder bag. Let him poke his head out the top and see what is going on. It is really important that...
Hi @willow's mom I suggest you get a positive dog trainer to create a training plan for you and to work with you. You need professional advice an...
Hi @jacquelina Just put him in an open carry bag and you can take him out now to visit the world. In doing so, he is not on the ground. But he...
Hi @jacquelina I take it that you're socialising the 11 week old puppy with other puppies of a similar size in a well-organised puppy class....
Praise is a weak reinforcer for dogs--social esteem is not a source of motivation I would ascribe to dogs. I suggest you try reinforcing urination...
An excellent idea. If food is an issue, then why not use a game of tug as a reward for urinating. There is an excellent discussion of playing tug...
Thanks Jo for the correction. I feel the weight of the self-imposed P+ and will attempt to stop reading the posts with my mobile phone. Clearly...
Hi @SueH Here is something to try. At home in a low distraction environment get your dog to sit on a towel facing you. Reinforce. Repeat the...
Hi @Andrea0408 Just give him time. Play with him. Go for walks. Do things together. Try not to fret. He can smell your anxiety.
hi @Emma W. i would do the LAT training at home, in the back garden, dining room. For exercise i would play with your dog in the back garden....
It might take quite a few training sessions. I would not expect to get calmness in one session. Today I had two dogs from the same household in...
Hi @Saurabh It has been found that children that grow up with dogs have fewer allergies or less likely to develop asthma. So there is no need to...
I don't understand your argument. Praise is a poor substitute for a food treat. It can be a reinforcer with sensitive dogs. So when should one use...
Hi @Anthony Abrao I think you are more complicated than it need be. Adding verbal and visual cues and then needing to fade them. To get...
Since you have thanked in advance--akin to bribing in instrumental conditioning--I will be bribed this ooonnneee time. I would stop giving a cue...