If I may push just a bit. Why did you say in your previous post you were torn whether to say yes or no?
Is it just the stairs issue or other doubts? Puppies are a lot of work. A tremendous amount of work. So you will need to be really motivated. I...
Ian I would be very careful with respect to picking up the puppy there with my hand. It can be very painful if you gouge. Instead scoop the puppy...
Hi @Zach Ryan It sounds to me as though your older dog has resource guarding issues. Forget the nonsense about alpha leaders, the idea does not...
Hi @Jo johanson Search the site for the LAT folder. There is an excellent teaching video therein of how to teach your dog the exercise.
@Lab_life It mainly applies to we humans. To stop us from exercising the dog too much. When she is off lead in the garden the puppy can and will...
Photos? Go to main page. And look for the technical section folder at the bottom of that page. Please don't tape the dog's ears-it can only hurt...
Please see the other post on stairs [puppy on third floor and no lift] for a relevant link.
Hi @Christina2807 Two posts on stairs in one hour. So I searched and found coverage of the issue. I was interested in Oberon's advice to take the...
Hi @Ian73 Welcome to the forum. It's best to avoid stairs for the best part of the first year. I appreciate your issue. How does one manage the...
Hi @LoopyLuna One can't know before hand what will work. Try your suggestions. See how your dog reacts. If any signs of anxiety then use distance...
Hi @Megan H When the dog previously was around the power tools and such, are you absolutely sure your puppy had a good time?
Hi @RobbieD1506 I suspect you are inadvertently reinforcing the barking. Puppy barks gets your attention. So when you stop something if he barks...
Any bio laundry detergent will do. Just read the instructions. Does it break down human urine or faeces? If so, should work for dogs too.
Welcome to the site @Tedar. I am a little confused. I don't really understand what downstairs means? The dog is not meant to toilet in an area in...
Hi @FoxRedLab Lots of reasons why a dog can be sick. dogs can vomit when stressed. There has been a huge upheaval in the dog's life. The long...
Good to hear that there has been significant improvement @Christian_ . Thanks for the update.
i've never seen such an observation before. can you please provide a source? I don't believe it is sound. i could feed my dog 100 per cent of her...
Just use another word if you wanted to teach the true heeling position. Maybe Close or Fuss.
is this the long term plan? What does the trainer have in mind as a remedial plan?