Hi @Katherine Osmond You might find that in about 4 to 5 months your dog becomes reactive to other dogs. You will be able to trace the issue to...
@Samanthamgentry you have an unusual problem. Have you asked your vet to check your dog's eyes? How does your dog's pupils react to light?
Hi @AmyPond I would try waking the dog up, say, every two hours (before she urinates) and taking her outside and giving her many treats when she...
Yes I would be very concerned. It will get worse not better. I think you need to get a dog behaviourist to come in as soon as possible, and give...
Hi @Jordan Maides You know your dog. You are manifestly concerned at the change of behaviour over the last week. I would take her to the vet. It...
Hi @Holli wild I think we need more information. 1. Why do you say the barking and lunging is aggressive behaviour? Please describe your dog's...
You should be marking every second of desirable behaviour. Then as Jo implicitly suggested mark every 2 seconds. Then every 5 seconds. What you...
Get some ear plugs from the hardware. Jo is right. If you don't ignore the noise, then you will end up training the dog to be noisy to get your...
If the lethargy lasts for a week, then I'd be concerned and take him to the vet. When you look around in his mouth what do you see? Healthy gums?...
Hi @Ally Fi I think you are doing a good job. The first week or so is generally up and down when it comes to sleeping at a new home. Don't expect...
I agree with Jo. But to perhaps state the obvious you must be marking the desired behaviour with a click or yes. Otherwise you are just feeding...
Hi @FoxRedLab Anything can be a scam. And some individuals are moral. But it's hard to determine trustworthiness at the outset of any...
Edp, here is the relevant link, https://thelabradorforum.com/forums/technical-help.18/
Hi @tfors Welcome to the forum. I think we need more information. What is/are the trigger/s for the aggression? Is Odin resource guarding...
Yes @TEE but I would use the cue heel. You should be able to get the dog into heel position from any point of the compass.
In obedience work recall and heel are distinct. In recall dog sits directly in front of the handler. In heel the dog's right leg is almost...
:tail:good luck @Jeannette Chwaliszewski Let us know of your progress?
Hi @Lils23 I suggest you read through the following guide. By all means raise as many questions you have after reading it. For the next couple...
Hi @Candy_Ellie What part of Victoria do you live in? I know a very good dog behaviourist and trainer who lives in Carboor. If suitable I can...
Hi @LoopyLuna I think you are on the right track. Mark every time you are able to get her opposition reflex in action which will mean she...