@LoopyLuna She has changed the cue to Where is the cat? The Third book covers very similar ground to the first book. What is the cat doing when...
Thanks @Ruth Buckley I had intended pasting the following link https://www.thelabradorsite.com/excited-puppy/
https://www.dogtrainingnation.com/dog-training/teach-dogs-to-trim-their-own-back-nails/ Sorry it took so many attempts.
I wanted to send a link to a scratch pad on which the dog can 'trim' the nails. But my copy and paste is not working properly.
Thanks @WillowA for your patience in answering all of my questions. Especially so, as I must confess I don't fully understand why your dog stops...
@Diablo always enjoy your updates, love your humorous asides. Long lines and terrorists. :D Might I suggest you take a look at Fenzi and Jones's...
Hi @Dallas You might find some useful discussion here....
Hi @Jenni Welcome to the forum In no particular order 1. Book your dog into a kennel while you go on the trip. 2. Find a strong dog walker to...
I would try telling him to sit stay or down stay @Jade. Initially get a small duration of stay before greeting. If he jumps up during the...
Hi @WillowA Okay, clear now on the lack of other dogs. Care to reflect on my other questions? I am struggling with the following issue: How...
Hi @Jade I can't get the video to play. Can you tell us what you have tried so far to stop the undesirable behaviour? What do you do when he...
Hi @brimar What treats are you using? What treats were you using the garden? Think about increasing value when you go from low to medium...
Hi @Jason riggs It's not clear to me why your dog's attitude to your wife changes during the evening, unless in the evenings your daughter is...
Hi @Jason riggs Welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear about the strange behaviour. During weekdays day I take it that your daughter is at...
Hi @willows Sorry for all the questions but I am trying to work out what is going on. She ate her meal in the kennel when nobody was there. No...
@WillowA thanks for the quick reply. Will your dog eat if you have your back to her all the time? I wonder whether your face or position of your...
I'm glad she had a good time @WillowA at the kennel. Have you trained your dog to leave food if nobody is present?
Hi @C Dawg Hmmm An unusual problem. Is she barking because she wants to join you upstairs? Carrying her up the stairs and not allowing her back...
Interestingly, in McDevitt's latest book she has changed the cue to Where is the .....? Consequently, your thought is spot on. You will have to...
No experience @J.D but wishing you good luck.