Hi @TEE you might find the following training film to be of some interest. It relates, in part, to Jo's first sentence [MEDIA]
@Anthony Abrao A conditioned reinforcer is the word Yes (the verbal equivalent of a click). The dog has been classically conditioned to form the...
Hi @Anthony Abrao If your modification works, then go for it. Training plans should be modified to suit the dog. I can see the sense in what your...
Yes, very typical. You are the one that needs to be consistent.
Hi @Maureen Winskill You can try a different pitch. Acme make a number of different pitchas to their whistles. I doubt whether that will resolve...
Hi @Jordan Maides 1. If you are confident she does not need to toilet, then yes you have to ignore her. 2. Try to make the interactions with...
Hi @Hough I would mention it to your Vet. It might be a reaction to the food.
Hi @Lew Barker Have you tried collecting some of the strange dogs' faeces? Teach leave it at home where you will have control on the dog and the...
Hi @Reva I suspect the first bout of agression was your dog playing with you, albeit poorly. What did you do after he was fighting your hair?...
Hi @Penny123 If I were you I would keep looking. Although lower scores do not guarantee no problems, the odds move in your favour the lower the...
@raf108 In order to have control over the dog you need something more than a leather collar. Suggest a Freedom harness until you get the pulling...
Hi @jeff s Please read the following link. Stop using pads because as you have discovered they are not a good idea--you have to "untrain" the...
Hi @Candice Jacobs Plesse reconsider the idea of getting two puppies. It is not twice the work. It is way, way more. The problem is that you...
Hi @Aurela Socks? The dog should be prevented from having access to laundry/bedrooms Furniture? When not supervised place your puppy in crate....
@Julian I recommend you need to see a vet. Need to determine the source of the ear infection before one can work out what to use.
@Laurasavidge You will need to tell us how much water is contained in a bowl, that is, how much water in terms of litres/pints is your dog...
What you describe is typical of dog training. One is attempting to change one thing at a time, but it's not possible to do that because...
The article linked might be of some interest. https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/canine-corner/201010/do-dogs-dream
Yes, @LesC i thought of you when they mentioned an assistant feeding the ducks far away from their dogs. With the high value treats are you...
Hi @ChocolateLabrador If I were you I would consult a dog behaviourist who can teach you BAT exercises. Explain your problem to the behaviourist...