OK. Hands up now. Who has stolen Pepper and replaced her with a well-behaved, trained Labrador?! In the last week she seems to have suddenly got...
Thanks @snowbunny, I will remember your words of wisdom when she is being a mad loom. @QuinnM15 Peps is nearly 17months old. How old is your pup? X
@QuinnM15 we have been there soooo many times with Pepper! Today though I also got her to wander round the park with me off lead while there were...
Thanks all. I have to admit I was rather chuffed. Then at the beginning of the walk we saw another labrador and Pepper just... didn't seem that...
*off lead
Hello all, thought after lots of posts of me whinging that I'd share some positive news. Since our holiday, our dog walker (who takes Peps out...
Pepper does this too, and I think for people who are not confident around dogs and/or are not used to young, big and excited dogs like ours it can...
One piece of advice that I read when Pepper was at the crocodile stage was an article that started along the lines of "To experienced labrador...
Thanks everyone, this is so helpful. It has also reminded me that I need to majorly up the value of treats around dogs. We've been phasing out...
Hi there, Well firstly, 7 months really is just a baby (although doesn't feel like it I bet when Duke's dragging you along the street to see...
Haha, we have so many stupid names for Pepper. Probably the most used is Beastie and Piggle wiggle (she makes noises like a pig when she sniffs)....
Hello all, This is not a 'problem' behaviour at all but I am intrigued to know if anyone else's labrador does this... Pepper (16 months old,...
I would also add that you shouldn't feel embarrassed about feeling stressed. I've had lots of friends and family say to me "she's just a dog, it...
It sounds to me like you have an adolescent dog who is by and large incredibly well behaved, but had a slip up. I totally understand how scary...
I have a T-Touch harness for Pepper which has three different places you can attach the lead to. This means if you really need it you can attach...
Just about to go for another walk, praying that she won't revert back to leaping on people now that we're home!! :)
Hi all, home now! We had a lovely holiday and on the whole Pepper was very good. Each day we had a moment of real naughtiness (usually...
Thanks both, that's all really good to read. The biggest challenge with Peps at the moment is the stopping, but this is only in our village so I'm...
Thanks all. Just had another disaster walk this morning so hoping a change of scene and lots of new experiences will shake her out of it! Will...
I can be no help at all other than to say we have the same with Pepper....!