Poor little Basil, hope he’s on the mend soon.
Axel is doing well, but that’s how he always was which is a bit frustrating as he would just regurgitate out of nowhere. He hasn’t done it for 4...
Aw poor Homer, must be sore:(. I would also suggest a vet visit.
Aw that’s so sweet, definitely hard work but oh so worth it.
Yes, Axel is known for throwing up items weeks later lol. But this is different, it’s just regurgitated kibble, no vomit or any thing else but...
Back from the Vet. They were very kind and great with Axel. I feel very comfortable with them. Axel was very well behaved too which was great, a...
Haha yes I love the chocolate as well, same thing, Axel matches my couches, rugs, and floors! It sounds pretty good, main thing is finding a...
Wow, just wow. She’s a spinning image of my boy Axel. Who has a lot of these issues also, but it’s all out of excitement. But I still don’t like...
Yes, I just want something that will clean his back molars. There is only one molar that gets a bit of tarter on it occasionally, I bought some...
I have a question regarding ribs as a treat actually. Do they break up quite easily when they break a piece off? I want to try some pork ribs I...
I guess I should be happy that he hasn’t ripped a tea towel in half lately. He just jumps on the counter and runs off with them lol. But OH said...
I have decided to get into a different vet, and was able to book with them for tomorrow. So one more day to go but I’ll be more comfortable with...
I was doing more googling last night about mega-oesophagus and inhalation pneumonia and how deadly it can be, it really has me worried! I’m so...
Vet appt is this morning but I’m thinking I’m going to go to a different vet instead as I trust them more. So I’m not sure if I will get in this...
He does yes, I was thinking of changing him to a regular dish right before this started, but definitely not changing it now.
I am thinking of changing him to three meals a day, just very strange how he has never had any problems and now all the sudden he is having issues.
That is what Odie used to do as well until we realized what it was. Definitely different from this sadly, as that was an easy fix.:(
Axel has been doing this now for 3 weeks, not everyday but often enough I’m starting to worry. He will eat breakfast at 630, then hours later he...
I am currently begging OH if we can buy a 6 month old English lab. Ohhhhh I want him so badly. But then I also think, am I crazy? Axel is still...
I just ordered one, can’t wait! I’m hoping this will help Axel’s loose lead training.