How exciting for you! We carried Bailey everywhere we went - shops, town, at the rugby club. He met everyone and also I arranged play dates with...
Sounds as if her growling is like my Bailey's bark when he thinks he is being ignored - pay attention to me and play :) not the politest way but...
Hi - When Bailey was small we used a harness recommended by the pet shop - but he will not step into a harness at all (and I have tried to...
Hi I use a harness and seat belt clip with Bailey and have done since he was small - although someone sat in the back seat with him when he was...
My boy is now 21 months old and he has a definite personality - he is comical, stubborn, loving and just completely nuts at times. He has the...
Bailey will get very playful - throwing his stuffed toys around - he will then select one, run around with that one again throwing it around,...
Hi and welcome from me and my boy Bailey. Right from a week after his second lot of vaccinations we were lucky enough to be able to be in an area...
Hi we gave Bailey frozen raw chicken wings when he was teething, but then he was about 4/5 months old, before then he had raw chicken wings which...
Hi and welcome. You are definitely not on your own in this confusing world of raising a puppy - and a lab puppy too! Reading through your...
Oh my - she is gorgeous - its like looking at a puppy picture of my boy Bailey :heart:
Hi and welcome - we are also a dog friendly bed :) although initially Bailey did sleep in his crate by the side of our bed we de-crated him when...
Swapping to feeding raw worked for us too - Bailey used to have a solid poo in the mornings but they got softer through the day when he was kibble...
Hi and welcome from me and my boy Bailey. As @Boogie says you have a very young pup and accidents will happen. So long as you are following the...
Hi and welcome from me and my boy Bailey. Yes perfectly normal - puppies always sleep a lot more than we think they do. It is a way for them to...
What a beautiful girl :heart:much too pretty to eat a remote control I am sure :cwl:
How exciting for you - but I must say I am so glad you resisted the temptation to bring her home early. Enjoy your last two weeks of being...
I tried using a diluted vinegar sprayed over my skirting board that Bailey took a liking to - all it seemed to do was make him lay there and lick...
Hi welcome to the wonderful, heart stopping, confusing world of lab puppies! Firstly by putting things in their mouths is the way they explore...
You have absolutely described our sleeping positions its like you have seen us!!! :D
Hi Vicci how old is Bagheera (love the name by the way). Puppies do sleep a lot (and I mean A LOT) of the time as it is a way of them processing...