Bailey loves a nice meaty non weight bearing bone - I am lucky that I have an old fashioned butcher near me that I can pop into and get the odd...
Bailey used to eat fox poo as often and as much as he could and roll in it :puke: he also used to gobble up rabbit poo and lick bird poo on the...
As @snowbunny said you need to get up before she wakes up and barks - but make the toilet trip boring - no eye contact, no conversation, just out...
I would think it would very much depend on your pup - if he is dry and sleeping all night and happy to be alone then you can try now. You may...
I agree 100% that some trainers need special training in our beloved Labs! The trainer we went to initially although she loved Bailey only ever...
He is - although I do object to be woken up with his dorito scented paws in my face when he is sleeping on his back! That said I wouldn't have it...
Bailey has a raised bed in the garden, a soft doughnut bed downstairs and a fat soft cushion with a fleece blanket by the side of our bed. His...
You are not failing at anything - you have a baby that has been with you for two weeks! You are in puppy shock! Housetraining is just repetition...
Last year Bailey paid no attention to fireworks that went off while he was in the house, and if they went off when he was out then he would stop...
Bailey sleep barks and growls - most nights its just a gentle muffled noise, but on Saturday night (when in the UK about a million and one...
Hi and welcome from me and my boy Bailey. I only ever used a crate overnight until Bailey was about 5 months old and then we took a leap of faith...
Keep going, it does get better honestly. I know after a hard shift when I get home (usually early hours of the morning) Bailey goes absolutely...
Please don't let your SIL put you off - Bailey was my first puppy and I waited 30 years for him. There have been hard times (fox poo in my hair,...
Hi I've never been to a dog park either so cant offer anything there. However when Bailey was 9 weeks old we introduced him to three dogs - my...
Bailey was 10 months old last Christmas and we had a small tree which he would sit in front of a just gaze at the lights - I think one or two...
Hi - another vote for rice bones when Bailey was small they lasted ages - don't really buy them much anymore as they are gone in seconds now!...
Hi and welcome from me and my boy Bailey. Bailey used to do this - I did as @Boogie did - watched to see what he did - he seemed to roll it...
Apart from his Gotcha Day ride home in the car Bailey has never (she says crossing her fingers) shown any interest in chewing anything in the car...
Hi and welcome from me and my boy Bailey. I brought a packet of puppy pads from Pets at Home and had one in the car when we collected Bailey. He...
Yup Bailey used to eat mud (and fox poo) too. We had a nightmare with it when he was about 10 weeks old (not fully vaccinated). We would try and...