Hi @alschwahn Have you tried something really smelly such as a hot dog sausage/frankfurter? When I'm training something new or that I know I am...
Oh if only they were in his bed....so far I have found them in his downstairs bed (under the cushion), in the garden under his outside bed, in the...
Gotta admit to be slightly jealous - my 18 month old is still a nut job - that said I do secretly love that about him, until I am trying to find a...
Have to agree until you have trained your pup to walk nicely on a loose lead then use a harness - I still use one with Bailey even when he is...
Bailey used to pick up snails and roll them around in his mouth - we used to swap for a treat. Luckily he has outgrown this habit. Slugs he...
Fingers crossed for you he continues to be a chilled out boy! Boy was my boy not a chilled out pup! He's gotten better as he's got older, but he...
So nice to read how well things are going - and three hours snuggling too!! Didn't like reading about the hornet sting - hope Aspen is OK after...
Bailey never has to date given us a sign that he needs to go - although he has always had good bladder control. We did have a quite a few...
Welcome little Willow from me and my boy Bailey. Can't wait to see the photo's ;)
We had Bailey on a complete kibble diet until he was nearly a year old - but he was never keen on it. Now he has a raw diet and loves it :)
Train a "leave it" cue. We did that with Bailey from the beginning and now he has a good response to leave it - to food, toys and pretty much...
Bailey used to do this when younger - especially when we walked with other dogs. He seemed to think as he saw the other dogs go he had to too!...
We did off lead with Bailey as soon as possible but also took him in the garden on his lead and flat collar to get him used to it. When out and...
Bailey does this too - he is confident and always looking to play - when he sees a dog he knows well it is quite funny watching them both crouch...
Bailey went through this phase. It was when he was on lead and bored. All I could do was turn my back on him and keep doing it each time he...
We worked on leave it with Bailey when he was young, it was partly because where we walk him there was a huge amount of fox poo which, apparently,...
Well done on making an informed decision that is right not only for you and your family, but right for any potential puppy. I waited 30 years...
Sounds like you have really done your research and are happy with the breeder - maybe a chat with them before you pick. Explain what you want to...
Brave decision but well done. You felt something wasn't right and you have done what's best for you. How exciting just a week to wait for your...
As others have said don't worry about it. If you don't try it you will never know how it will go. If when you are there it doesn't feel right...