We used to drive into town then carry Bailey to a seat and then watch the world go by - remember socialisation is not just meeting other dogs - it...
Our boy had access to downstairs from day one, and has always slept upstairs with us - we have a small galley type kitchen so there was no room...
...and may they never change! So cute :heart:
It is - but now he is bigger I do have to stand in some really odd positions to get my jeans on! The funniest thing though is if I am putting on...
Oh my Bailey does the exact same thing! He also does it if he is in the bedroom when I am putting on my jeans...if I hold them out in front of me...
We did the same with Bailey, if he was off lead going at his own pace and on grass I didn't count that, but on lead and on a hard pavement I stuck...
I think, like people, every pup is different. Some like to be cuddled, others not so much. He is experiencing so much at the moment that he...
Have you trained him to be in his crate? Build up the time slowly minute by minute? There is an excellent article on the main site:...
Bailey pops his lipstick out when I get home from work - or when something really excites him - he met a Great Dane bitch last night that he's...
Lovely name. Puppies do much of this in play and it is up to us to train them to behave how we would like them to be. While your pup is small...
Hi and welcome - how exciting for you. Just read as much of the advice on the main site as possible - be prepared for the little cutie that you...
Nope sorry no advice - I love Bailey snuggles too much to make him get off my bed. My OH who was absolutely a no dog on the bed person has...
Hi and welcome to you and Meg from me and my boy Bailey. Bailey still likes to carry a stone around with him (he's 18 months old) but I remember...
My boy never really enjoyed dry food - we tried everything with him, no treats no human food, and he would eventually would eat some only because...
The do look cute don't they. When Bailey lost his baby teeth we actually only found two (and I have those washed and saved in my Bailey box) and...
All your hard work paid off :happyfeet: so very pleased for you. What beautiful dogs you have - I really do have a soft spot for black labs...
Puppies sleep a WHOLE lot more than I ever expected - in the early days Bailey seemed to sleep pretty much all day. He was also quite happy to...
Think the medal I hung around my neck for a week may have given the game away :D
He has always chased things - not always bringing them back - and we have given each of his toys a name - the soft rubber toy is in the shape of a...
Hi @twix31 @snowbunny (via @Boogie) says it all really - just be consistent. They are all different with my Bailey he had stopped biting me...