Hi @Anthony Abrao - this is looking great, and he's not yet a year old is he? Considering you're not able to train every day because you're away...
Thanks @Anthony Abrao it's definitely a nice feeling to see some progress. Haven't decided on July yet but I think it will be to work on how she...
June's 30 day challenge - loose lead I set myself a little challenge at the end of May because I was spending more time learning how to do things...
Hi - bit of an update on this and any thoughts on where to go next would be much appreciated. Last week we spent a week doing stuff around the...
Hi @LAS - if you don't have any BAT trainers nearby, then perhaps a good behaviourist would be preferable to your current situation? They will...
Hi @LAS - so sorry to hear that you're having to work through this. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to want to enjoy all the things...
Nope - every morning: OH - "has she done a poo?" Me - "Yep" OH - "good turd?" Me - "Yeah a stonker" OH - "Awesome! What would you like for breakfast?"
This is brilliant! Honestly, if you've got the LLW then you're going great guns! That's a really tricky one to crack (well, I tell myself that...
Hi @Nicole peterson - sounds like you have a bit of a dilemma on your hands. It's really hard to answer your question though because this is such...
Oh @Saffy/isla - big e-hugs coming your way from our part of the country. I'm sorry you're feeling so drained - it's pretty relentless isn't it?...
Wow - I hadn't even thought of this. I was so focused on the safety side of her not jumping out that I'd not considered this risk. Consider it...
We've hit upon a bit of an issue with Luna being scared of the car. I'd welcome any advice/experience on this because most of what I've read...
This sounds brilliant - I might look into this as Luna would enjoy it. We're just using a clove scented ball at the moment. I love seeing how...
Hi @Erin Johnson - welcome to our world, although we only have one cat so I don't envy you having triple the chaos. We tried the "sit/stay" thing...
That's amazing. I had no idea that was even a thing. Hope you find someone on here who can help with their experience. Now I can't stop...
Hi @TJ Shepherd - welcome to the site and I bet you're all very excited about the new arrival. I don't have anything helpful to say in answer to...
Thanks @5labs and I agree, that's a great quote. I will definitely apply that thinking to our dummy work - in fact, I came home from work and got...
Thanks Michael - that's reassuring, and despite the fact that some of her litter are proving to be a bit anxious, she shows nothing but confidence...
Hey there - sounds like you're doing great. It's definitely a good idea to write down all the positives and it sounds like you have lots after...
If you don't mind my asking, in what way was she different? Might there be some parallels that I could learn from with my 1 year old girl?