Haven't posted for a while, mainly because pup has been really poorly and as a result the puppy blues have got worse if that's even possible....
Hey @Chewies_mum - great to hear an update. Sounds like you're making some great progress - the fact that Chewie is off the lead on walks is a...
Yes, we have equally romantic conversations :) I actually cried at the vets when she did her first ever normal poo in the consulting room - it...
Thanks for all the ideas, they were great. It finally clicked for us today and she's getting into the down position when I put my hand flat on...
Hi @Beanwood yes, well remembered she is just 15 weeks and has only been out walking for a week - she's attracted a lot of attention though as you...
Hi @IndytheLab - great poo chart by the way :) - we could have done with this a few weeks ago to diagnose that things weren't right with our...
I know - it's a real nuisance. I think I'll just have to be strict and risk being a bit rude if necessary.
We're out socialising as much as possible at the moment or letting Luna say hello to lots of different people on walks, but how do we do this in a...
Luna has started displaying some really hyper behaviour, which from reading some of the posts on this forum, I know are quite normal but they're...
@pippa@labforumHQ - fantastic thank you :)
Thanks @Boogie - he's beautiful, and the video really helps. I'll try and fish out my cycling gloves though I fear the velcro may prove too much...