Penny will be speyed this monday coming. I dont want her to go through another phantom preg. I had planned on waiting till she was over a year...
Your on the right forum for lots of advice. I have a 10 month old called Penny and i can honestly say that i was not prepared for how hard it is...
Penny is barking so much. Nothing i do seems to stop her. Its not in the house but the second her paws are on the ground in the back garden it...
Update Vet check today and meds are working. Penny still has some fluid to get rid of and the vet said even she was surprised at how swollen she...
Penny is a strong puller and although its not a miracle answer the front clip harness helps a lot. I also have the double ended lead. The...
Thanks guys. :heart: I am sure Penny will get through this i was just shocked to find out that this can go on for so long after her season...
Hi folks As yous all know Penny has been particularly unsettled and constantly seeking my attention..i had posted a thread about this a couple of...
I am watching her playing with a ball in a sock. She is loving it and the ball cant roll away so easy. I have spent a fortune on toys lol :rolleyes:
At 10 months old Penny has reverted back to demanding my attention to the point where she is biting my
I know i shouldn't but i am laughing reading all the posts. Penny seems to be no different to many of the labs on here. It still amazes me how...
Hi all Penny is nearly 10 months now and she seems to be going back the way and chewing everything. She has always been a biter and chewer but...
This dog will be the death of me. Hardly just asked for your advice about her not eating great and she has just vomited up a sock :eek: How can...
I will get her checked if i think something wrong. I just worry that she isnt getting enough or i was doing something wrong. I will keep an eye...
No she is not spayed and she had her first season just before xmas
Hi All Penny (9months) has begun to really go off her night meals. I have tried to keep to the same brand (wainrights). She has been absolutely...
All is well two favourites although Is Penny a robot dog.. laser eyes lol[ATTACH]
Thanks for all your great responses. I am 100% sure there was no aggression. I think because she made contact with my daughter hard on her mouth...
Thanks for replies. It just felt so unreal. Penny loves nothing more than us all crammed together on sofa and this is completely my doing. I...
Hi all..Penny is 9 months now and generally energetic but different to crazy croco puppy. She is a very loving dog that adores my daughter and...
Hi from me, my lab Penny (8months) and Oscar my 5yr old cat. Baby gates are the answer. When we introduced them Oscar was not happy and ran a...