Re: Introducing new puppy to my cats Thanks everyone, some very good ideas there! He's here and they've met and I think the cats are horrified...
Re: Introducing new puppy to my cats Hey thanks, that's good to hear! So did you just let them hang out in the same room initially? Did you feel...
Hi again! So I was hoping some of you cat owners on the site would share with me how you introduced them to your new puppy? I will be crate...
Hi everyone! Picking up my lovely pup on Saturday morning and the journey time is 4 hours. Have read some other posts on the first journey home...
Re: Maisies here! omg she is sooo cute! how gorgeous! hope it's all going well for you!
Re: Training the herding instinct in Borador puppy Thanks everyone - have looked up Kay Laurence and might go on one of her collie workshops at...
Hello! I am getting my lab x collie (Borador) puppy in just over a week. EXCITED! Have been doing lots of research into both breeds in order to...
Re: How to deal with dangerous situations Thanks snowbunny, great advice - will definitely take him down to see the sheep in his carrier, and the...
Re: Should I wake my dog in the night? That's brill, thanks so much everyone for the advice. I'm going to keep him with me for the first few...
Re: How to deal with dangerous situations Oh golly, that would have been absolutely terrifying! I can guarantee one thing - if anyone shot a dog...
Hi everyone! I will be getting a new pup soon and it will be my first time! Very excited! I'm trying to prepare as much in advance as poss and...
Hi everyone I will be getting a pup at the end of the month, so am new to all this. Sorry if people have already asked this question. Have read...
Re: Kibbles and treats?! Thanks so much everyone! Kind words and good advice. The tenant is also a friend of theirs (and mine actually) so the...
Re: Kibbles and treats?! Thanks everyone. Unfortunately I can't post any pics as on the very day I went to select the puppy, my boss retracted...
Re: Kibbles and treats?! Thanks everyone! I hope it doesn't matter that the pup is a lab x collie, as i know this is a lab site? The mum is a...
Re: Kibbles and treats?! Thanks again snowbunny, it's so great to be able to get advice on this site! The video I was sent was just a file so...
Re: Kibbles and treats?! Thanks for all the advice... the kong thread is very informative! Who knew! Snowbunny thanks for tip on pea size...
Hello! I'm new to the site... As yet I don't have a pup but am preparing for one and want to cross all the t's etc and know what I'm doing...