That's brilliant, thank you so much. I've googled my two local garden centres and they both allow dogs, so I guess I can't go there until...
Mags, From a practical point of view, how do you manage from 8 weeks until the pup is housetrained, with shops and shopping centres? Just keep a...
That's a good idea. I could take Dawn to Gatwick as part of her puppy walking. Oh dear, I do wish she had been given a different name!
Yes, I knitted them. Saw the pattern and had to do them.
[img] hooray, I've just managed it with Imgur! the photo is my knitted pheasants. Just a bit of fun. So pleased Ive sorted it, its only taken 4...
I'm looking forward to sharing pics of my guide dog puppy who arrives next week. I've used Photobucket before on forums, but it's all changed now....
Thank you for your welcomes. I go to a knitting club on Mondays, today all the talk was of puppies as someone else has just got a pup. It made...
Oops, I meant Puppy walker to be! Not bev
Hi, just wanted to say hello. I'm getting a guide dog pup next week. I've never had a dog before, but I'll be getting masses of help from the...
Thank you for the welcomes! Yesterday I fitted a guard to the back of the car (easy) and fitted one baby gate. Not easy as it was my first time,...
Hello, I've just joined the forum. On 3 September I'm getting a seven week old pup for walking. Her name is Dawn and she's a black lab/retriever...