Poor little Inky, hope he's ok.
I once ordered a taxi for me and Maisy and they asked if the dog was small, I said yes of course because she was a pup - small to me. The look on...
The vet will do it for you, but if Gus doesn't like having his feet touched, gradually get him used to it yourself by holding his toes etc.
Hi Aella, sorry that you are finding it hard to cope. In my experience a lab puppy is extremely hard work but is totally worth it. I don't think...
Take a few throws for the bed and furniture, even if the hotel allow dogs on the bed you don't want to leave it dirty in case you get hit with a...
Maybe she really is just calling you and wants your company. I just read a post on how sleeping habits change and she may have decided she wants...
As far as I know, and this is about 2 years ago on the Stena Harwich/Hoek route, you can either leave your dog in your car or use one of the...
How lovely, my family are from Nijmegen and when I travelled there a lot I often got the train through Vlaardingen (oost en west) from the Hoek...
Hi Anne, whereabouts in the NL?
Hi Jen, I have this problem with Maisy who is 1 but for the last few months has become really destructive but I don't have an answer for you I am...
Thanks, will take a look.
:nod: :rofl:
I know my fruit and this was one large red grape, possibly with blackbird size peck marks. I have yet to receive the DNA results but I am...
Which sort of Safari tool do you use? I found it on Amazon but there are loads of types, I was considering a Furminator too but not taken the...
I was reminded this morning of something I was going to post when we had a deluge of snow here in the UK a week or so ago. Maisy loved the snow...
Oh god, no more pictures please - is there not a chart for this sort of thing?:tmi:
True, just like us I suppose. Hopefully he'll be ok now, poor thing.
Poor Snowie, I hope he is feeling better, good luck for the rest of the day and night, hopefully no vet visit although I would want to know why he...
She once was sick in the car because she had had breakfast just before travelling so that's why I leave it til later, she brought up all her...
I can't feed Maisy her first meal until about 10am as we go in the car at 7.30am (I like to leave an hour after feeding for travel and 6.30 is too...