My three dogs would just love Paul. :heart:
Awww. Even Paul is quiet. :inlove:
My mum had what she called a kitchen garden. It was all walled in with a wooden gate. It was ok though cos I found a way of opening the gate and...
The more I read about Paul the more I wish I could adopt him. He's just the sort of character I love. I do hope his new owners will thoroughly...
This is so sad and I'm just glad I have pet insurance on my furry friends.
Have your pockets full of chew toys and have them around you when you sit down as well. As soon as he tries to bite you put a chew toy in his...
I wonder what would happen if he was taken camping for a week. :eek:
Yes, my three are. I swear they want to melt into the cold stone floors. Poor things. I've aimed fans at them while I sit and swelter. :rolleyes:
Typical lab! Typical stupidity in the woman!:cwl:
What a horrible story. Your friend needs to get this puppy to a vet.
There are people that just don't know what different breeds look like. I've been asked about Bear's breeding. He's a Jack Russell. Oh what is he...
One of mine frequently does this with the other. I don't worry about it unless one of them gets upset.
Where is Ginny? Why has she not reported in? Amber.
When I slipped in mud Amber came and jumped on me, Poppy was more worried and Bear just pulled on his lead. I struggled to my feet, Amber jumped...
Poor little man. Get well soon Pup.:hug:
I feel for Ruby and your dad and , of course, for everyone involved! How scary it must have been. My cat went missing last week and we did...
I'm on the community network Nextdoor and we very often have warnings about people going around gardens carrying leads, collars, toys and treats...
My cat went missing for a few days and mummy kept running around clucking like a mad hen. She didn't find my cat. The cat just walked back in...
Pepper, hoomans need a lot of training. I have never trained mine to bbq every day yet but you can train them to give you stuff all the time....
Nelly, my mummy gets very tired too so I wait until she sits down and then I sleep on her feet so she can't move. Try that, it might work for your...