Only one of my dogs gets upsets during thunder storms. The others just look at her as if she's gone nuts. She will respond favourably to cuddles...
Your mini lab is gorgeous isn't he? It's a lovely photo.
Oh this wonderful! I'm so pleased she is back with you. She looks so happy!
Could you fence off an area that is just for him? Give him some toys to chew on or a stuffed kong when he is in there and do some training games...
That's lovely! Congratulations.
Rabbit! I had rabbit! It was yummy. Mum ate some too. It was stew and mum made it. She is so clever sometimes. It was yummy, yummy, yummy. I love...
Those two aren't going to want to leave you are they? They are both adorable! How is Garfield doing?
Welcome to you and your beautiful pup. He is gorgeous. I'd say you need to talk to your vet about his dandruff. There are several things it could...
Poor pup and poor you! As a diabetic myself I know what a struggle it can be.Please go back to your vet and ask to be referred to a specialist. It...
I have three different types of dogs. My lab, BC/Husky cross and Jack Russell are all very different in general behaviour and characteristics but...
The foxes woke us up at early o'clock this morning so we all went and woke mummy up. We licked her face and climbed on her and she made lots of...
Many years ago I was walking the dog I had then and we were suddenly surrounded by the baying hounds of the hunt. My dog was terrified, as was I....
Kong teddy and kong wubble are the only ones that have last a reasonable amount of time for my lot. The wubble especially.
Ask your vet about the feeding as he may need certain amounts for his weight. Mine was a little overweight at that age and needed a slight cut in...
Seems reasonable to me too. Mine have their own room in case they need " alone time" and I have a super king bed in case they want mummy...
I woke mummy up at six this morning instead of four and she STILL mumbled and moaned! That's not right is it? I'm going back to four o'clock. Amber.
I always use "shouting" too. :)
WhenAmber does things like that she looks at me as if to say " I meant to do that".:rolleyes:
Amber will be two this year. I have barely any garden left. All the plants are either "trimmed" by her or completely gone. I have decided to wait...
Ditch your vet!