Amber had a great day yesterday bringing laundry to me one piece after another. Sigh. I'm thinking of just training her to put it in the washing...
She is adorable! :heart:
Amber loves my empty sparkling water bottles. I have to wait close by until she gets the top off so I can take it away from her but then the real...
Whenever I've fallen the two girls come running to me, all concern. My little chap just takes the chance to leg it.
You know, a lot of what we have said sounds terrible but we all still have our dogs. They do grow into lovely people and none of us would be...
Learn to take power naps. The first few nights you will need to get up when puppy cries. Take pup out for a toilet break, no play, no attention,...
Only time and lots of patience will sort this out. Poppy went into a major sulk when I brought Amber home. I waited it out and now they are the...
It looks as if Amber is about a 2.5. I might try to get her weight up a tiny bit. She is all muscle though. A very, very active girl.
Is all this training really that important? I have three happy, if slightly unruly, dogs and I train at their pace rather than mine. Two of them...
My Poppy is doing the same. I've had this with other dogs over the years and the answer is patience. Different dogs respond to different things....
I have often wondered what Bear is for. He is old and sleepy and doesn't play cept with mummy. Today we saw a ratz. I know what he is for now. I...
Refusing invitations because "I'm sorry, I really don't want to leave the dogs alone and their babysitter isn't available that day. "
Pig, hooman mummys is stupid. They don't enjoy the stuff we really like doing at all. When mummy got knocked down 'cos I was excited and she...
Do let us know what the results are please. I do hope it is just something simple.
Awww, I wish I could have him.
Amber's pedigree name is Spice of life and her grandmother's name was Amber. Amber spice of life just sounded nice.
I don't see why not. Dogs get gastroenteritis as we do. I may be wrong though. I often am.
I firmly believe they do. I have been woken up over the years with a dog showing all the signs of fear and just wanting a hug and reassurance. A...
Absolutely normal. Just have chew toys at hand at all times. Have them handy for your child too. This will all pass in time. It takes a while but...
What is it with socks??? Amber is obsessed with them.