In October, Huck chewed up two remotes controls, one house phone, my husband electric razor and ate the letterbox off my cell phone. I know labs...
great idea. Thank you
Thank you for the advice. I will try it
Huckabee runs when he sees the leash. He enjoys going for a walk after I get the leash on him. Any suggestions. He also pulls very hard and he...
Huckabee always runs when I get the leash out to take him for a walk. You would think he would love to go. After I get him leashed up, he is fine...
my boy is almost a year old. Every night between 5 and 7 he would get very excited and cry and start humping the pillows on the sofa. He started...
I was on the forum awhile back, then I got really busy. My 15 year old boy, Cap, died November 2016. We have a new boy now. We got him April,...
Huckabee still does this at 7 months. I can't leave water down in the house and the one outside he tips over as soon as he is finished drinking....
Huckabee at 7 months hates the car. He has always hated it (not my husband's). He will only get in on the drivers side and will only ride in the...
I lost my 15 year old yellow lab, Captain, November 7, 2016. I, of course was devastated. In February my new yellow boy, Huckabee, was born....
just found this site. I have a 14 year old yellow boy. Looking forward to hearing advice on taking care of older labs. He has started slowing...