Has she had a season yet?
I have had something similar with my young dog. She will hold and not wee or poo in the garden if she thinks we are going out for a walk. If we...
How about feeding earlier in the evening? Also, it may help to take some steps back and treat him as a small pup again and start again with house...
If your pup is not well you really need to see a vet for advice.
You really need to know If she is actually allergic to protein and which protein before ruling out a raw diet or any other foods. Dogs are...
Have you thought about trying a raw diet?
My youngest pup was the smallest, quietest pup. I've now met the other two bitches in the litter. She is now the tallest and is confident. I'm...
Squeezy cheese, it's magic :D Ella has a high hunt drive, so to keep her recall sharp I reward with a squirt of cheese. The hardest thing to do...
Hi @Annalise try not to worry it could be any number of things. You're doing the right thing going to the vet. Hope all is well this afternoon.
@LoopyLuna Wow, yes they do look very similar :)
Your pup is over aroused and needs time out when he behaves like this. It's normal, the important thing is how you deal with it. Don't react to...
I've bought most of my vet bed from ebay. Look at traditional vet bed/whelping rolls. I buy larger than I need and cut to size.
Give it time, she's young and needs her confidence building. My older lab took a while to like water, probably around 6 months. My young lab was...
Vet bed is the answer! The traditional green backed vet bed is best.
Hi, The whistle is a really useful thing to have, so don't give up! How old is your dog? I would go right back to basics and as already said...
Yes she does look like Cooper!! She's very slim, people ask if she is crossed with a whippet!!
Gosh, 5 already. .. Maisie will be 5 next month too!
My youngest lab is 1 today. She's the happiest dog I've ever met, her tail never stop wagging! Can't believe where the time has gone. Ella...
5 months would be early, but not unheard of. Pop a white sheet on her bed, you may be able to see the colour of the discharge better on the white...
You could also try adding warm water to her kibble and let it soak for a few minutes. Also try adding canned sardines, my dogs love them!!