He's very young and doesn't understand what you want him to do. Try just sitting on the floor, say in the kitchen, throw a toy and and encourage...
Hi @Supermom, gorgeous photo. At 10 weeks I wouldn't be worried about taking a pup out on walk. I would just train some puppy recall, basic...
My pup had erythromycin for campylobactor at 9 weeks old. She is now as happy, healthy 11 month old. My vet was reluctant to give it, but my...
Hi @Lottie I look after a spaniel that is able to open a crate and somehow he manages it without damaging the crate!! All I can suggest is...
Hi, here's a helpful article that you might find useful. https://www.thelabradorsite.com/feeding-your-labrador-puppy/
Hi Pippa, thank you for the welcome! I'm very well. I have been very busy with setting up my dog boarding business over the last 18 months and...
I Hope your puppy starts to feel better soon. My latest pup was very poorly when I first had her at 8 weeks, quite similar symptoms to yours....
Hi, not a new member, just saying hello again after not being on the forum for sometime :). Looking forward to being involved and catching up.
I agree with @Snowshoe, the hair looks shorter as if it still growing back after being shaved. Possibly rubbing on something?
@SilverFalcon , all Maisie's training has been outdoor training (except for the KC courses we did last year) and nothing beats it, I say go for it! :)
Hope he feels better soon x
Fantastic, well done!
So sorry for you and your family. You loved him and he knew the love you gave him. x
Happy birthday Tatze, what a lovely girl you are!
My dog clicks from both both front and rear joints too. My vet is happy that she is just a "clicky" dog and unless she is limping or in obvious...
Along with Kongs you could try frozen carrots, rice bones (these can be frozen too), knot a wet tea towel and freeze it. Also, plastic bottles...
Hey Fred, happy birthday!
Looks normal to me! Same thing happened to Maisie.
Happy Birthday Poppy :cake:
Thank you Coco, she makes such a fuss and washed me with the hose pipe :mad:. Fox poo is so so gooood, you must try it.