You could do half-and-half kibble mixed with your home-cooked recipe to begin with. And for losing weight, well you just need to cut the amount...
Photos! We need more photos!!
Nelly is an absolute star - as are you, Kate. It's so good to have you back on the forum, and to get an update on little Nelly.
Hi, I definitely would not use a citron collar. Both my dogs are / were barkers when left on their own in the front garden. The only good way I...
Yes, I understand what you mean. Despite all my care, Merlin has a small hole in one of his teeth... but at least I know it is there and am very...
I hope all goes well for Penny. It took Poppy a week to get back to normal, but she was five years old - maybe it took it out of her more.
My first dog was very nervous with people she didnt know (she is great now) - and sometimes my one-year-old can be a bit nervy, too. The key is to...
I use Logic gel, which comes with a small brush that fits on your finger. The dogs love the taste of it, so are happy to have their teeth brushed!
70 pounds is very heavy for a six month old though... Good thing you had him checked by the vet. And yes, puppy food for large breeds will make...
I'd be a bit concerned about the stinky breath... at his age he should really have sweet-smelling breath. Definitely ask your new vet for a proper...
I love it that you are putting so much thought and care into Shamas' training and new life. He's a lucky boy to have you!
I think you'd be a lot better off buying a few more floor rugs. You can get very inexpensive, non-slip, rubber-backed ones.
I would ask your vet to have a look and give you an honest opinion. Merlin has a bit of tartar on his teeth too, despite getting lots of bones AND...
Keep them separate as far as possible, using baby gates and a crate or puppy pen. Give your old dog LOTS of love and affection, and time alone...
Hi from Poppy, Merlin and me. We live in Germany (where it is currently sunny and beautifully spring-like - AT LAST!!!)
Good luck, hope it's just a sprain.
Oh I'm so happy!! He looks a lovely dog Emily (of course they all are...), and he really deserves a good home. I'm sure he'll be very happy with...
Hello Kelly, yes the early weeks can be very trying, it's a lot like having a new baby in the house! But it does get better soon. I would try...
Hi there, try not to panic, a limp usually means just a pulled muscle or similar... HOWEVER, you must take him to the vet to have this checked...
Oh goodness, that's not what you wanted to hear... Still, if it's very minor they may be able to just do arthroscopic work... Fingers crossed for you.