Good for you for helping out with Whisky. Before Molly we have always had 2 dogs and we had expected to continue to have 2 dogs but our little...
These really are cracking photos, I must get myself organised to get some of Molly in the gorgeous autumn colours. I particularly love Coco...
Oh, I like the sound of that, singing rather than just demanding treats. Good for you being prepared and listening to them sing :)
Aww, good for you Moo, tough little cookie you are and long may you be so :inlove:
Ah yes all that awful annoying and infuriating at times stuff from visitors - many of whom you'd always assumed were more sensible than that...
Aww, lovely pics :)
Good lad Charlie - you are quite right to be proud of him :)
Molly was almost 14 months.
Aww, so sorry. What a little beauty she was. Sleep easy Lily x
Aww, they are great pics. I love the 'You will play ...' expression, Molly uses an almost identical expression, and for exactly the same reason :cwl:
Well, it will be even more fun once you actually have a pup to show us, I for 1, can't wait, so, carry on hunting :)
Lummy, surely all these world-wide travels haven't been purely in search of a lab - have they? A heck of a lot for a squeaky-leaky little pup to...
What a sweet little tanglegrub she is, adorable and a good girl :)
Fingers crossed the drugs work well and she continues to get better. I had a tooth abscess, b****y agony and I lost a tooth as a result, so I can...
Thank you both for your replies. I'll certainly try a warm damp cloth.
Molly seems to have constantly weepy eyes. I don't mean wet, just like gooey sort of stuff under her eyes. Every now and then, I remove it with...
Like Atemas, I suspect all 3 are playing a part. Seems to me though that labs generally take quite a long time to 'grow'up' and can be hooligans...
Poor little Moo. Will she let you gently rest the back of your hand against the swollen side of her face? If so, does it feel hot? I think...
So good to read this. Advertising a dog on Facebook, is a step too far for me :confused: Good though that you happened along that day and she...
Happy birthday pup - I was beginning to wonder what your name really is - then I remembered :)