Quick question? Scout seems to listen more to my wife then he does to me. I am generally the one that is more of the disciplinarian and my wife...
I can certainly understand how you feel and don't feel so bad now myself as there are times I wish he would play with himself or at least chew on...
That's what we are hoping!! He is learning and he is only 4 months old so we try to keep in mind he is still a baby.
Does anyone else have problems with giving baths? Scout seems to be the only Lab I have ever seen that doesn't care for baths nor the rain!
I am just hoping to do short work outs nothing over 2 miles really and not everyday. Just something to give him access, get him out of the house,...
I am looking to do some moderate exercises with Scout (4 months old now). Do you use a special leash/harness when you run? I don't want to do to...
I have started to notice that he is doing more of the mouth around the hand and less biting so that is a good start! Now just to get him to potty...
Does anyone use the nail grinders (of any kind) or does everyone only use the clippers? Which would y'all recommend?
Is there a good place to get one of these? Just curious as I have never heard of it and Scout loves to chew on sticks.
I have tried that. Sit, Stay, Go, but its been a VERY Slow process...Ive noticed he does pretty good with the treat, but without a treat not as well!
I am still having troubles with sit. he does great when I am working with him on it, but when we are doing other things it "goes out the window"....
What about giving our puppy raw hide type chew toys? What are others that you have found work good as ours seems to be getting "bored" with his....
Ours is the same way in a sense. We both work during the day so he is left to his own devices in the bathroom and his toys. Sometimes we do good...
Ours is going on almost 10 weeks now (first time pet owners and love him to death but pulling our hair out and throwing things away) and bites and...