Re: First aid kit for dogs If they're the ones I'm thinking of then they're called Cohesive bandages. You can roll them on and off and they...
Re: A temporary promotion Here we are after the first drive. [Img]
Rocket and I were out on our local shoot today. Normally we are well established in the beating line, a few years ago she used to pick up a...
Re: A Welcome Break I always take a pocket full of treats for Rocket so I can reward her heavily when she does what I want. I hope the two of you...
Re: How long to make a new habit? Does he do it by the door? Or is it just generally on the floor? If it's by the door it may be that he's trying...
Re: 1st time out ! That's fantastic, well done to you both for having the patience to do it properly. You should be really proud of him!
Re: What's your lab's most endearing trait? I think Rocket's most endearing trait for me is how whenever I sit down she sidles over and rests her...
Re: Be tick aware I've always used a pair of tweezers to get them off Rocket, but am wondering about getting a tick remover. Are the worthwhile...
Re: Leaving your labrador behind It sounds like you've found a great place for Lady. When I've had to put Rocket in kennels it's always been an...
Re: Dogs and Fireworks Rocket was fine as ever. To be honest i think she's probably too stupid to notice... :D
Rocket and I take a well earned break during the wettest shoot I have ever been on. [img]
Re: Feeding a raw diet Hi Max, I think this has cropped up before. I don't think there are any issues with positive recommendations.
Re: Cataracts It's more that she keeps knocking the kids over! She isn't what you'd call dainty...
Re: Wotcha got? You make me want another, I doubt my wife would agree just yet though...
Re: Hello! Welcome James. Your photos are fantastic, I look forward to seeing more!
Re: Wotcha got? Great news!
Re: Dogs for Sale/Wanted How about making it for amateur breeders only, and then using the KC guidelines as to what that is (three litters a...
Re: Dogs for Sale/Wanted I think it would be a nice idea.
Re: Hello When you get your pup make sure you post some pictures for us! And I'd seriously recommend getting "The Right Start" from The Gundog...
Re: hello Hi Highlandlass, welcome to the site.