My pup was itching in her first week with us, the vet thought it was a reaction to something in the garden. Not sure what it was but a couple of...
I recently posted about this and had some very helpful and supportive replies. Tansy (7mths) will run at me, leap and bite me hard, I was worried...
Thank you again for all the responses and the support, I especially like the comment about being a team with my dog! She is still a baby and...
I've posted similarly about my 'Tansy the terror' who sounds like your 'Rufus the rascal' except Tans is a bit older. I've had some great advice...
Fab, thanks all, feel much reassured now :) And I like the comment about A&E! And the 'here game' sounds really beneficial, we'll give that a go.
thanks all for taking the time to respond, and for pointing me towards the training logs, what a wonderful and interesting resource they are! I am...
Thank you so much SteffiS for your reply, she does look like a dangerous dog sometimes (but she's really a sensitive sweetie) and I get the idea...
Long post, sorry but am worried about this.... My pup is just 7 months and still mouthy. Relatively easy to manage in the home as we follow the no...
Hello, I'm not an experienced owner but I use a harness instead of a collar, it doesn't stop the pulling but it does mean the dog's neck isn't...
Hello and welcome from me and Tansy my 7 month working line black Lab. We're near Wells so another Somerset dweller! Wishing you good luck and...
I sympathise with you... Why are lovely Labradors such difficult pups?! It will get better, is my mantra
I've come back to re-read this thread as it's very reassuring. My nearly 7 month Labrador was a ghastly biting unresponsive kangaroo on her walk...
Great link, thank you! I've been wondering how big my girl will be when she's full grown
Tansy is 29 weeks today and 17.5 kg (working type)
I feel for you... Tansy is nearly 7 months now but she used to do this and I'd have to escape behind the stair gate that separates the kitchen...
Hello, my local pet shop recommended a Yakker which my pup loved when she was that age, but they're expensive. I've since bought something...
How old is Holly? My pup is 6 months and still very mouthy. If her walk is extra exciting for any reason (open spaces and puddles are triggers, as...
I feed Skinners too, it's good value (especially with Amazon delivery) and Tansy looks really glossy on it. I top it up with Forthglade wet food...
I use Perfect Fit because you can change elements of the harness as your pup grows. Online from...
My pup (5 and 1/2 mths) behaves similarly when she's bored, I equate it to a young child's attention-seeking behaviour. Some great advice here and...