Thank you for the info. Yes, we knew we would have to wait until she is 6 months old to use Bravecto. Ticks and tickborne diseases are very common...
My husband and I are trying to decide which flea, tick & heartworm meds to give to our puppy. She is almost 16 weeks old and has not been on...
My husband and I are trying to decide when we should have our lab puppy spayed. We live in the US. Our vet said any time after she turns 6 months...
Has anyone else experienced a side effect of hyperactivity when their lab puppy was on de-wormer meds? This has happened to our 13-week old Kona...
My husband and I picked up our new fox red lab puppy, Kona, last weekend. She will be 10 weeks old tomorrow. This is our first puppy, so we have...