Re: How much does your puppy weigh? Nelson is 26 weeks and weighs 20 kgs. Vet very pleased with him, excellent shape.
Re: 6 month becoming destructive Thanks everyone. Having a quieter day today so far. I do have kongs and nylabone and rubber balls, teddy for him...
I am at home with Nelson for the next 2 weeks but if today is anything to go by I will not have a house left. Just recently he has chewed the...
Re: Hoping you see Nelson part three Does this one work? Yeah,...
Re: Hoping you see Nelson Hi Guys Another attempt at posting a photo....
Re: Murphy at 5 months How lovely. Best pals. Just back from a weigh in at the vets and Nelson is a healthy...
Re: Sofa on or off? Thanks everyone for your comments. It is an old leather sofa so not proud. I think hubby is against the sofa to limit...
Nelson is now 22 weeks and is a very mischievous pup but very affectionate. We decided not to allow him on he sofa and as a small puppy he could...
Re: 5am alarm clock Trishad - your post made me laugh as Nelson does the same. He is ready for bed at 10pm but if at the weekend we are watching...
Re: I thought he was too quiet! Sussex, that is my next worry. Nelson has suddenly taken a flying leap onto the sofa where he is not allowed. No...
Whilst in the same room but me being on the laptop, Nelson was quiet....too quiet. He had found my bag of wool....and picked out a lovely purple...
Re: Yuk... Thanks for all your comments. Nelson was very quiet for the rest of the day and looked quite sorry for himself. Doesn't appear to have...
Having a Pukey morning due to mischievous Nelson. 17 weeks and enjoys foraging in the garden. This morning he has destroyed an old pine cone,...
Re: Murphy at 18 weeks old Murthy is so like our pup Nelson. Just back from a walk on the local green where OH threw the ball for him and he kept...
Re: Some Albert pics........hopefully! Gorgeous boy.
Re: How much does your puppy weigh? Took Nelson to the vets for his weigh in, flea stuff and wormer tablet (chewable this time - no problems). He...
Re: Hello at last from Cornwall. OK....what have I done wrong...I cannot see the photo....grrrrr.
[img][/url]2014-03-24 07.44.15 by hockingelaine, on Flickr[/img] Sorry for the delay. We welcomed Nelson to our home on 20 March at 10 weeks. this...
Re: Insurance? We have a 4 month black lab, Nelson and decided to insure as he currently has only 1 descended testicle which may need surgery...