New name yet Fiona @snowbunny ? xx :)
He is most handsome xx :)
o_Oo_Oo_O :D:D xx
I love it when Charlie has those light bulb moments when he realises when I stop treating for one paw, he quickly offers a second paw. It was...
They are a match made in heaven :heart::inlove: xx
Oh Jen I am so sorry poor little Stanley is so sick :(:( Please give Stanley a big hug from us and one for you too, it's such a worry for you. xx...
Happy days, hope Snowy continues to do well. xx
Definitely be heading off toot sweet! :D x
Does your OH need to see a GP :D x
Aw thanks Fiona, that's great :) x
There have been a number of posts about owners throwing sticks for their dogs which I personally find very worrying. Mods is there any chance that...
Poor Stanley :( I really hope it clears up very soon. Wormers can affect Charlie but not Hattie, they are so sensitive. xxx Hugs to Stanley and...
Service dogs make such a massive difference to mankind :heart: xxxx
Happy and sad xx
Aspen is super gorgeous :) That is an inspirational, heartfelt post. I agree, without this forum I would not have ended up where I am today with...
I absolutely 100% agree with Fiona. My poor Charlie has never shown the slightest interest in picking up sticks and we NEVER EVER throw sticks...
Glad all went well and I hope George's recuperation goes to plan and he will be bounding about before you know it. Good luck. xx
:hug: x
Fresh water and a travel bowl for Maisy to have a drink whenever she needs it. Have a great time! :)
That's a wonderful read and I am so pleased you and Frodo are doing so well. Your trainer sounds great and supportive. You and Frodo sound like...