Work hard, play hard, they deserve it, LOVE it! :D xx
Could Sky maybe have a seed or something in her ear? This hot weather must make her feel a little under par too. I hope she is OK, you too xx
Poor girl, poor you, poor J just awful :( There's a lesson for all of us so thank you for posting Fiona. I hope Squidge os better today :hug: x
Charlie did the same thing thinking he could ring and go outside, so I curbed that and now he rings the bell to go to the loo, occasionally he...
Absolutely and now that the nice weather is here we can get more training in. I was doing some work in our front drive so I had my treats in my...
Scary, mine seem to miss me by milimetres. One day ...... :eek:
Charlie is 7 years old and I noticed a rough patch on his side. Even now he is on Salmon Oil it is still rough. Maybe old age creeping up!
Well done Red :) I heard about this behaviour training a while ago, I too have been trying it out on my two. Charlie goes balistic when someone...
Sending hugs to Simba who still is so very handsome :hug: Hope it clears up soon xx
The only thing thats important, obviously is not to walk on a full stomach. Charlie gets his walk at 0600 so gets fed when he gets home and Hattie...
I use dried fish skin cubes amongst other things, no calories and very good for them. I agree with @Lara and also do the same, just cut down his...
Ooo poor Xena but glad she's not too bothered by it. Charlie has awful nails, some are hollow, they split. I do my best keeping them clipped but I...
That's horrible news for you all, I am so sorry Karen :( You have a plan, plans are good so you can manage him appropriately, he can enjoy his...
It's just so awful. Last year in a village a distance from us, someone broke into a house and stole the puppies from the Mum, leaving her behind...
What a great and brave girl you are Bramble :) Benson is the funniest, he made me really laugh :cwl: xx
I feel so sorry for Harley she just can't seem to catch a break. I really hope she is feeling better very soon. xx :hug:
Ayla hasn't had the best start in life so maybe adding this pressure so soon is a little too much for her as she is still getting used to her new...
Poor Stanley being handled roughly, not nice or very professional of the vet :( I think we as owners don't help, immediately walk through the door...
Charlie has made more progress, dare I say with fingers and toes crossed! :rolleyes: He was in the sitting room when along came a squirrel digging...
So pleased she is doing so well back in the fold. How about Hope? @snowbunny x