Hi Tucker! From the Beanwood gang based in the UK (South West) Benson, Casper and Bramble:) My he is huge, look at those paws on his hind legs.....
Poor Sky and poor you, it is so worrying when something is not quite right and you can't put your finger on the problem. Good luck with getting...
Yayy! Keep us posted. Our swallows have arrived, very late this year, always feels like summer is on it's way when they arrive :)
There is no way I could present a green bean in a way that would interest Benson, feeding him 100g would send him to the high hills! :D Smelly...
Good time is now to stock up when the first flowering is finished... June/July there is a bit of a gap, then the bees can be a bit tetchy,...
He is gorgeous! Try this @Johnny Walker When you click on the photo in Flikr, in the bottom right corner you should see a "share" symbol. Click...
Oh! I look forward to reading! :)
Benson has horrid nails, they grow twisted and grow quickly. He did rip one nail so badly it was removed at the vets, he had a dressing on it for...
Euwww! Hope it clears up quickly...
Oh look at that face.... she is doing so well. Seems like yesterday she was just a puppy, and now if all goes well in a couple of months she will...
Gosh if I tried this with Bramble I would end up riding her!:D:D
Driving us all mad!!!:hmm::facepalm: [MEDIA]
Good to re-visit this thread....Bramble gave blood again today. She was given tea, and a choice of toys after. This time she picked a squeaky pink...
It really does get better! :) Then one day you blink....and wonder where that young dog has gone...
I don't think there is a good way of preventing dogs eating cat poo from a litter tray if they are so inclined, especially if they have gotten...
More ouchies! Poor Harley...:(:(
Don't worry! I would prepare yourself though for a few days of heavier discharge. I suspect she isn't quite into the full swing of her season yet....
Really interesting, and my vet did corroborate this in our discussion when I raised it.
Bramble has sailed through both her seasons, the first was a bit protracted, but psychologically she wasn't really bothered. A little clingy...
@Lin yes, I will let you know. The only thing that has bothered Casper recently is a bit of yeast overgrowth in his left ear which has been...