I have just noticed a change in the texture of the fur on Caspers back. Just around the base of the tail..so lower back. The fur just seems...
Goodnight, dear sweet ( and sometimes evil ..) Moo. Words simply fail me right now
What a beauty! Sad story..but says a lot about the how the breeder works and communicates that the owner felt comfortable enough to bring her back...
You know what? I can't help it though, really warming to this little guy! :inlove:
:cwl:Oh God, just spluttered into my wine...( just imagine the Jaws theme music as you lay there awake...eyes peering into the dark...)
Yayy!!! Well done Coco! :celebrate::celebrate:
Yes, poor Bramble went completely flat...over sensitive...presenting with displacement behaviours, I was seriously worried. I think, like humans,...
We have the "chugga chugga" monster game with Casper...his beautiful eyes grow wide..face softens with the goofiest of expressions..his tail...
@selina27 this really ↑ We are now progressing at a rate of knots with Bramble, and have gone from a fairly indifferent retriever ( unless on...
In extreme situations (fight or flight) these are driven by biological responses at neurotransmitter level. I agree, that when dogs are sadly in...
One day left deadline 27th April to complete the Defra consultation:...
I agree with @Stacia, sounds perfect! A balance with off lead activity bumbling along fields, time split through the day and interspersed with...
I love the name Teela, from the Masters of the Universe...she was a bit of a badass character though!:D
Good boy Rory...thinking of you @SwampDonkey, probably with a mop attached your arm by the sound of it...
Err.. yes, we gave up on kibble, I think after one day...:rolleyes: and moved to homecooked which she adored! SWHNM, would get very excited at...
Brilliant! You are both doing very well....but I wouldn't count your tennis balls just yet....:D
Ahh! You have hit the teenage months where our well-behaved puppies can suddenly become quite challenging. This is not uncommon and does coincide...
Agree with @snowbunny. Pairing a cue with something really high value is really quite simple. The easiest way to train a recall to whistle is in...
Yes they have mentioned stem cell therapy as a possibility for my knee (damaged through trauma)...a bit too young for a knee replacement :)
The look of absolute joy when Chi spotted you in the carpark in France, is something I will always hold very dear to me, it was just pure...