Oh poor Harley! Is the limp the same as before when you had the Xrays? Maybe it's time for a more in-depth look through a CT scan.
And yes, feeding the pup in his crate is a good idea, helps develop a positive association, and look forward to going in there. Leave the door...
I was wondering if his leish have affected his coat?
You are doing really well @Shamas' mom in difficult and challenging circumstances :). Maybe hold a frankfurter on his nose, and lure him past in a...
All I can say is I am on tenterhooks waiting for photos!:D:D
Well yes, EFAs... *essential fatty acids found in fish oil are the ones which help itchy skin. You probably are aware of DHA/EPA. Good quality...
Wow 5kg! It really is that easy to put on weight with some labs though. Poor Casper has only to look at kibble and put on weight. When I am...
Brush hair, sort out underwear...then photos? (not of said underwear of course!) :D
Oh, I feel your pain! We kept Benson crated during the day I think until he was at least a year old. Nighttimes though were a bit easier, and he...
Lovely to hear from you! Nelly is a wee angel....:hug:
Does the Guide Dog Ass. follow up on retired dogs? Might be worth dropping them a line for some guidance on this. If this is absolutely what is...
Try making some of these: https://thelabradorforum.com/threads/pyramid-pans-for-dog-treats.22186/ For a small batch I use a couple tins...
Yes, I agree with @Karen, you can buy great non-slip vet bed. We have wooden floor and tiles and found vet bed invaluable. Great to throw in the...
Usually, she brings it back immediately. The problem is more not being interested in going out in the first place :) I whistled her in, thinking...
We have three labs currently, and until recently four (including a foster) :). They all play really well together, sometimes quite ferociously!...
:D I thought so! I am not surprised really, a nice combo, just not something I have actively looked for. I do have a soft spot for the standard...
Just to add, I expect you have probably read this article...:) https://www.thelabradorsite.com/schnauzer-lab-mix/
Hi @Otto Bathurst and welcome to the forum from the Beanwood Gang. Wow, what an interesting mix, lab x Schnauzer! We don't as a rule give out...
@LynnFischer try adding another small meal...so feeding x4 small meals rather than x3 per day. @KirbyHawk75 it does take a few days for a new...
Absolutely agree, even for a few seconds, nip out, wait...pop back in, give Loki a small training treat. This is how I worked with our two pups. I...