Not sure when Teller hit adolescence but it was probably around 9-10 months because that's when he was adopted and returned for being too hyper...
Thanks for all the kind comments! I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking he's a handsome boy. Even though he has pretty terrible conformation, I think...
We missed out on the real puppy stage when we adopted Teller at a year old but mentally and physically he was still very much a puppy. Really the...
Lord, yes! While Teller was already a year old when we rescued him and therefore finished teething, we bought a male Pointer pup this summer past...
Thanks! I'm currently waiting for imgur to upload several photos, but I will post the ones that have made it through. [img] [img] [img] [img]...
Hi! As the thread title says, I'm a newcomer to both the breed and forum. So I guess I will tell you a little background, lol... I've had dogs my...