I've found a bookable 2 acre field 20 minutes away, so we can start using that a few times a week (I used to do this in Warwickshire but it...
Jess has these. She is about 18 months old, unspayed. I've never worried about it as they don't seem to bother or irritate her. Will be...
thanks all. I'll keep a close eye on her, while also exerting some tighter training control. I've been a bit lazy lately, and taking it for...
OOH -I think Jess might be coming into season. Just saw a bit of spotting on the sofa (tmi?). It's only 5 months since her last one, but that...
That sounds pretty good! Lots of great training exercises, and sounds like you kept good control and used the training opportunities yourself....
Thanks JoJo. How should I use a long line in a busy park? I'm really worried about injuring her with it. She is a very fast dog and I'm not...
Thanks Heidrun. It’s difficult to answer this without a long explanation of our circumstances and where we live and where we walk Jess but I’ll...
I think Jess has entered adolescence - or there is a forum curse whereby things that I have bragged about on here mysteriously deteriorate.... I'm...
Thanks for the review! I've not read this book but the title is from one of my favourite quotes about dogs - linked in the (unlikely) event that...
Poor Basil, you must all be so worried. I hope the vets are able to identify the cause soon.
Agreed. But also, there's a chart! The dog poop chart, otherwise known as the fecal scoring system. http://www.epi4dogs.com/poopchart.htm...
Ah yes.... I was very firm with Jess for a whole year - no food while humans are eating, and no food from human plates. Then OH started it and...
thanks all - in that case it sounds like there's no problem with using the same cue for both games. Clever Murphy! I'll try this last game too,...
I have a fussy eater too, and this was our solution for a long time : Except now that doesn't work either! We spoke to the vet who said, a...
There are lots of pet-friendly teddies in any of the big pet shops (are you in the UK? Pets at Home or Jollyes usually have a good range). I...
I'm sorry if my response was abrupt - I wasn't judging you in the slightest! Please do keep posting and asking for help. I remember being...
Yep, I'm with @SwampDonkey on this - a puppy doesn't know the difference between weekday and weekend and doesn't understand why their routine...
Following on from @charlie 's great thread on find it games, I have a question about cues. I play two different 'find it' games with Jess - one...
Well you're certainly putting the miles in to find your puppy! You've done a full UK tour! Great that the research and preparatory work is...
Not OH said - nephew said! Should read "OH, and said...." I'm too late to edit. Could anyone possibly fix this?