and if you'd like to know anything about areas to stay/ visit in Aberdeenshire feel free to message me - I grew up around there. Finally,...
Actually, I didn't think there would be much tourist accommodation near Roseisle beach but there are quite a few air bnbs in and near Burghead...
Yay, I'm rejoining the labratour just in time to be useful. I know this area well - in fact I was there last week! The coastline from Aberdeen...
It must be so hard for you all, my heart goes out to you. At least Nelly knows she is well loved now, and with time she will begin to adjust...
ps, as you can see, I'm another forum member with a funny looking labrador :D
Welcome Tess (and Len!) Tess is lovely! We had a wire-haired patterdale when I was growing up and she was a real character- the only dog in my...
So sorry to hear about Sam. It must be heart-breaking for you. I hope this phase passes quickly and he goes into a long remission.
Hi all, I've not been on the forum much for the past few weeks but happy to report that (so far!) we've made it through fireworks season quite...
Oooh you were very restrained! I'm quite polite in normal life but in anything related to Jess I am definitely a crazy dog lady. I would have...
Glad Cassie is doing well. Fingers crossed she will have an easier time this time and no pp.
@Lara, how annoying. Or, in our case, he thinks "I've said the word plenty of times so she should know what it means". My bugbear at the moment...
I'd definitely prefer to pick up a puppy by car than train if at all possible. I'd think a long train journey is pretty stressful for a puppy's...
@JenBainbridge he's a darling! I hope you all bond with him on Saturday.
That's great - really impressive progress. It sounds like you've done a great job on the desensitisation. I've used the sounds scary tracks...
Oh, that's sad. I've not looked into GRs at all, though I love them. I assumed that because they are more common that there would be more...
That's what I love! So dignified! (though flatcoats never really live up to their dignified appearance...) He's lovely, anyway.
Keir is so beautiful :inlove: Can you sabotage his puppy training so that he has to be rehomed to me?! Did you say he's a flatcoat x golden?...
Also - I don't know if others agree with this but I also regret not doing more systematic noise desensitisation training when I first got Jess....
Just catching up with this thread and will add an enthusiastic YES to - vetbed - harness - throws for the furniture - a couple of toys (but...
I'm so sorry to read this. Poor Duggan and poor you. You must be so worried for him. Thinking of you all.