So Toby is 9 weeks now. He's so sweet by the way. Pretty gentle with his teeth so not overly teethy at all. Very thankful. So he's a very good,...
Interesting you say that. My breeder said that their bones are affected by early neutering and he suggested waiting till 18-24 months to neuter....
hey everyone! I'm not sure if this allowed...please remove if not allowed. I've been wanting to start a YouTube channel about Toby and share...
I gave Toby a little bit of rice and starchy water to help with the process and cut his meals down to smaller portions. His poop already looks...
Thank thank you all for all your input and kind words about Toby. :rolleyes: I had made the decision to leave him be until fully matured. The...
@Snowshoe No I do not intend to leave him alone. But our house sits in the middle of the lot so you can run around the entire house and never...
I live in an very urban city with logs of dogs around and between a few busy streets. I like the idea of leaving Toby while at least until he's...
Does he get water before you set off back home? Could you just sit calmly with him for another 3 minutes after getting his leash on? Maybe he's...
Toby has been with us for 3 days now. He's got some pretty runny poop. He is pretty sleepy. Yesterday he got a deworming round (preventative)....
One of my weakest attributes is patience. (Ask my kids...they will attest) Thank you @Emily_BabbelHund for the reminder to take it slow. It's so...
He will even leave me to sit at the back of the house. It's like he has a favorite spot back there. We were also on a brief walk - we just go a...
I just got my Toby 2 days ago. He will follow us around much of the time. But there are times where he is perfectly content to watch me walk away...
Did you intentionally work on retrieving? Did he pick up naturally? Toby also loves to chew empty water bottles (what we are giving him until he...
I don't see those options when I post from my phone. I'll try on my computer next time. Thanks for the help!
Thanks everyone! Things are going really well. Am finding out he doesn't quite like rubber toys like the safestix or nylabone. He loves clothes,...
I don't know how to imbed pictures yet from Flickr. Maybe it'd be easier to do on a computer instead of my phone. But.........Here he is! Our...
:rolleyes::rolleyes: We shall see. I may need to post an emergency SOS. ;) So excited! And starting to get nervous. Having dumb thoughts like...
It's a 1 hour, 40 minute drive. I'm taking my two older kids and a friend. My friend will take pictures and drive home so I can sit with the...
Tomorrow is 3 days!