Re: What does your puppy do that makes you fall in love a little bit more? My Mums ancient lab still does this bless think you learn to move from...
Re: When training pays off! That is amazing well done to you both. :)
Re: Puppy Dry Food Advice :) Keepertony glad I'm not only one who needs to train spouse! I could eat a hog roast on floor sitting next to Lemmy...
Re: Gibson at 10 weeks :) lush pup pics! Oh how I recognize the belly rub or else eyes too lol.
I know we all love our gorgeous bundles of squidgy pups to bits, but what is the one thing that makes you go all soft and want to hug them? With...
Re: Puppy Dry Food Advice :) your welcome totally agree your pup may be great on the wellbeloved . Think puppies all seem to be different I've...
Re: Help with biting :) Just wanted to say hope it all works out my Lemmy was a total crocadog and still has to be timed out sometimes but...
Re: Stuffed kongs Glad to hear another carrot eater mine loves them too.
Re: Purgatorial Pups and Dreadful Dogs thread :) :) I can understand two dogs in cahoots but Lemmy and Pushka the cat have now teemed up I'm...
Re: Puppy Dry Food Advice Lemmy is nearly four months now started on James well beloved but he went really loose on it and bad puppy trumps....
Re: Purgatorial Pups and Dreadful Dogs thread :)
Re: Purgatorial Pups and Dreadful Dogs thread :) Stealing anything left within twenty feet of crocadog mouth. Looking angelic laying next to our...
Re: Chasing her tail sat down :) Tail chasing one of Lemmys default settings seems to it when every toy is out, all bum down runner out and...
Re: Cupar and The scary log A very scary log! Good job you had a big brave dog with you who knows what could have happened. We have very scary...
Re: Lemmy got chomped not happy The bum run is so funny his eyes go wide and his ears are pure comedy gold. X
Re: Willow at ten weeks I'm hoping that means lots of lovely snow puppy pics! She is adorable real calendar pose that one. X
Re: Lemmy got chomped not happy I'd say he's feeling OK for sure now just found him throwing his flower pot around in garden and doing bum down...
Re: Lemmy got chomped not happy Lemmy is a lot more himself today took him for his park walk as most likely to meet dogs he didn't seem any...
Re: Lemmy got chomped not happy He's eating and drinking fine come out of himself more now following cat as he normally does. Has crept upstairs...
Re: Lemmy got chomped not happy He still under table we go and check on him he seems really sad. I know I can't give him human emotions and he's...