Re: So excited to see our gorgeous girl again! Convinced they know more than we think. Watched a documentary that proved how empathetic dogs are...
Re: lemmy getting frisky! Son not very helpful he recommended putting Barry white on instead of radio 2 overnight for him as Mr sheep goes in...
Re: lemmy getting frisky! That's good know thanks. I thought that myself about laughing had to tell my son to leave room as he was in bits . He...
Re: puppy started chewing I'd give whoever invented Kong's a medal they are brilliant mine has about a third of daily kibble in his with chicken...
:-[ Delicate subject and not one I thought I'd need to address yet. Lemmy is nearly 11weeks now and doing really well house trained more or less...
Re: First attempt at baking treats has mixed results :) Thank you for recipe I shall definitely be baking some for Lemmy and my Mums lab Dylan....
Re: Cooler weather and our puppies Lemmy not keen on chewing fleece either so he has that in lounge then goes in his bed at night Kong's are...
Re: Serious help needed please! :) Brilliant news.
Re: First attempt at baking treats has mixed results Sounds yummy for dogs could you give recipes possibly? :) Lemmy sends a soft puppy lick if...
Re: Lack of sleep - again! :) Glad to hear your getting some sleep bet to you feel much better. Sure the little poppet is much happier too. X
Re: Outside before shots That's what I've been doing but they all under six four of them and very shreaky can't say I blame Lemmy for being wary...
Re: Outside before shots I was under the impression is was a week after second jabs but when we took Lemmy yesterday she said another 14 days....
Re: How much does your puppy weigh? Lemmy had second jab this morning 9 kg at ten weeks vet reckons he's gonna be a big boy. Got to wait two...
Re: Hello from Canada Welcome to forum from sunny south wales. Brilliant forum and lots of good advice and lovely puppy pics. My black pup Lemmy...
Re: Hello everyone, i am new :)! Hello Daniel and the lovely simba. I'm stella and have ten week old Lemmy a black lab. Well done sounds like...
Re: Lack of sleep - again! Lemmy has a Kong stuffed with his kibble allowance then plugged with bit of roast chicken or fish or cream cheese. We...
Re: Favorite Toy? Its was Mr monkey but now its lambkins don't know how long he's for this world though all the abuse he gets. X
Re: Choosing my puppy this evening! :)congratulations on your new puppy. We went for Lemmy as he was first one to want cuddles off my Husband...
Re: Training treats All brilliant ideas I'll be using some myself soon. Something strong flavored and smellys seems to be key. Got Pippa's books...
Re: Pic of our new pup - 6 1/2 weeks :) absolutely lush as we say in Wales. x