I take it they have done a poo sample test to what is going on. Hope your pup is better soon.
Little madam got a chicken bone some idiot discarded she would not drop it for the treat I had to prize what was left out of her mouth before all...
Willow is nightmare in the garden eating sticks chewing stones and poop when she finds it. I hide her kibble in the grass and on the ground she...
When I say heel she stops pulling she doesn't know that heel means come back to my side we haven't covered this. The training I took her to was...
Thank you Michael I had the treat in my hand so will keep it in the pouch and use cheese as it's her favourite treat. If I tell her heel she stops...
Yes just walking on a loose lead with no pulling.
In the videos the dog walks at your side without pulling on a long lead Willow don't do this she walks and pulls walks and pulls. I say heel and...
Willow walks perfect on a loose lead when I have a treat in my hand as soon as the treat has gone so has the attention on me. While I have the...
If you post a question on a pasific behaviour then the trainers on here are willing to help you with reinforcement training methods. Dogs learn...
Have you got a stair gate where the cats can get to escape. You could try "leave it" Willow is very interested in other dogs and people out on...
The kennel sounds the best option as your pup will get to rest as well as get to play and socialise with other dogs. The other option it to get a...
I don't think anyone was being nasty on this page we are all dog lovers and put our dogs first their welfare is our first priority. If you google...
We just walk ours but on a tight lead. There are oils you can use to mask the smell to other dogs. I put myself in the way of her and other dogs....
We play a lot with Willow she has lots of toys she finds treats and has a frozen kong. She is chewing a nylabobe atm then she will bring a ball to...
Willow is 8 months and weighs 21kg she has always been on the thin side she is also a working type lab. We give her 3 tins of butchers tripe wet...
Willow came home with us at 8 weeks old and was in the living room with us all the time. She learnt to use the puppy pads almost straight away and...
Hard floors.
Willow has nyla bones she loves and is ready for a new one she also has a few of the kong toys she has a thing you put doggy toothpaste inside and...
I understand some dogs will use a mat mine never did. We have a mat by the door we used to leave the pads down incase she had an accident she...
My pup had 1 pee accident on the carpet at 8 weeks the first day we got her home. We used puppy pads she pooped as soon as they were down. After...