She is 3 1/2 now and started at 18 months old. Her meds were reduced after a year and a bit. She was only 2 weeks from coming off her meds all...
Her odd behaviour still reamins but no more seizures as of yet. She too drinks loooads after a fit and for a few days after. She also splashes her...
Thanks Kate. It does help to know that her behaviour, although unusual for her, isn't unusual compared to others after a seizure. They have...
Lola was diagnosed as epileptic at 18 months old after suffering status epilepticus. She was given lots of sedatives and finally stabilized. As...
Never ever!! :D
But there were some big chunks of rawhide. At first i thought it was onion and panicked big time! Thats when he said "oh i gave her a rawhide...
Phew! What a night! Ended up sleeping on the kitchen floor with her ha ha. Spoke with the vets and she thinks the shaking was just like shock...
Hi all. Been a long while since i have been on what with a new baby and all! Tonight Lola has vomited multiple times and it is freaking me out....
I have had times when Lola has barged into other dogs wanting to play and she has been told off by the other dog, my first instinct is to...
I was walking my mum's dogs last week with my mum and my son. She had father and son Jack Russells. Jack - father and Russ - son, very original I...
She's never bolted but I am a worrier, when the fence blew down at our old house she would go in the garden and not leave when my other half let...
The padded collar is just what my other half picked up when she out grew her last one. The Heim biothane one looks cool. Is it strong enough for...
Lola has a bit of a routine, feeding times, bed, medication, when I leave for the school run but the rest of the day is pretty relaxed. We have 5...
With Lola's recent epilepsy diagnosis I have got her a new tag that states she is epileptic. My only concern is she doesn't wear her collar in the...
Thanks for all your messages and advice. I'm not sure if it the drugs but she seems to have lost her sense of danger. She jumped off the back off...
Thanks Kate, I found your comments very reassuring x
It is good to hear she will still be Lola as I was worried she would lose a little of herself. The vets stressed how important it was to have the...
I'm a serial googler but the vet said "NOOO" so I've been good and stayed off. She had phenobarbitone too. 4ml iv (200mg) in total and they sent...
Sorry it is sooo long
It has been a long time since I last logged on and unfortunately it isn't for the funny stories and lovely photos. Lola became unwell on Friday,...