Re: back door! Just tell yourself you don't want them to manage it and they will bounce up the step ;D
Re: Hot dog gets seizures, wee'd in his sleep You poor thing :'( I'm in bits reading this. I really hope you can get some help for your lovely...
Re: What do dogs think about? "Oh look mum, mmm treat, thanks mum. Oh look, Stephen ha ha I've got your batman, chase me for it! Oh look cat,...
Re: What fruit can dogs safely eat? We recently got a blackcurrant bush and a pot of strawberries. Needless to say I didn't get any of the fruit....
Re: Puppy is too heavy. Worried new owner Gradually bring down his food and possibly look to changing it too. What does he eat at the moment?...
Re: Cute Sleepy Puppy Picture Love how Jack and Barney curl up together. Adorable :)
Re: Another :"some people grr!" Blergh! Fox mange?! :o sounds yuck! Hope Chepi didn't catch it. My neighbour passes Lola stuff ALL the time and...
Re: Millie is having emergency surgery tonight So glad she is home, it is fantastic news. Hope her sight is still ok x
Re: Bloody loose stools Lola got very poorly at about 9 weeks. She got worms (we think from next doors cat who visited our garden often) and the...
Re: Millie is having emergency surgery tonight Best wishes from us. Sounds like she is in good hands, hoping and praying for good news x
Re: Cute Sleepy Puppy Picture [IMG]
Re: Cute Sleepy Puppy Picture He looks so peaceful :) Lola mainly sleeps on her back with her legs akimbo lol dead lady like ::)
Re: We're all wet! That was nearly me a few weeks back. My nephew threw a stick a little too far out to where the water meets the river (where...
Re: Ulcer on her eye I'm so sorry you had bad news. Hopefully things will get better though. My thoughts are with you all x
Re: C&T ideas to remove fear of car boot... When my back is really bad and I can't lift Lola in to the boot I put the back seat down and get her...
Re: Harley isn't normal!! Lola can be super greedy with food if it is on the floor but if it is on a plate, table or counter it is out of bounds...
Re: Ulcer on her eye Oh poor Millie :'( I hope she doesn't need surgery and recovers speedily x
Re: Food Aggression? He definitely needs to consult a professional then. Aggression needs to be tackled quickly.
Re: SITTING DOWN DURING WALK "Food glorious food" solves pretty much everything for us ;D
Re: Food Aggression? At 3 and a half months? Blimey! Do he have another dog to contend with or does your brother just have to one?