Re: Hot weather - keeping your lab cool Love the cartoon lol. I filled a water balloon and froze it the other day and gave it to Lola. She...
Re: When should a puppy go to two meals a day? Only just gone to 2 at 7 months old. Tried about 2 weeks before and Lola got so hungry that she...
Re: What fruit can dogs safely eat? Lola is always pinching blueberries off the bush from my garden and although she enjoys apples, even a little...
Re: Waaaay too hot! I accidentally left my freezer open ever so slightly last week. Lola was in her element lol
[IMG] ;D ;D ;D
Re: I can't stand it I once got the blame as a kid for eating all the kiwis until our lurcher sicked up lots of green!
Re: I have never been so embarassed The hole she got through is no more than 5 inch wide and she ain't smaller than 5 inch wide! Houdini dog!
Re: What would you have done ? Some people really should say stuff in their heads before speaking out loud. My brother does similar when ever we...
Re: I have never been so embarassed Still embarrassed but feel a bit better :) thanks everyone x
Re: I have never been so embarassed I'm not totally convinced she truly accepted my (many) apologies and she said it just to shut me up lol
Re: I have never been so embarassed I kept repeating "I am so so sorry. She is normally so well behaved. I'm just so so sorry" :-[ :'(
We got new neighbours recently and the little boy actually goes to the nursery where I work so managed to break the ice easily which was good....
Re: When our Lab wants to go to sleep, he digs up our sofa to make a nest Lola does similar but with my scatter cushions that she nicks off the...
Re: proud moment What a lovely compliment. You must be really chuffed and rightly so! ;D
Re: Grieving dog? When my grandad passed away his spaniel used to sit with one paw on his chair the same way she would when he was there. I think...
Re: Hormones? Thanks Lauren. I hoped to get her spayed before her first season but I think I may need to wait it out just in case she does come...
Re: A little advice on collars being left on dogs while they play Or don't leave dogs to wrestle alone
Lola is 7 months now and she has been acting a little moody and clingy. She keeps sitting on me too ::) Lola is my first bitch so don't know too...
Re: Puppy is poorly - 1st time dog owner! Oh dear me Boston! Hope he gets the all clear at the vets 8)
Re: wow oscar I found the easiest way to post a picture is through photobucket. It gives you a list of links to use in different ways. One of...