Re: Hands up.... We sing Lola by the kinks to Lola and it sends her bananas :D it came on in the car one time and she went loopy ruffing along....
Re: Hands up.... That looks like a 'chippy tea' face ;D ;D ;D
Re: Scratching very very often I think it can become habit too but would definitely get a second opinion
Re: Outsmarted again! Sounds like you should offer 'product testing' lol
Re: I will protect YOU I envision you throwing biscuits about like a flower girl he he :D
Re: Mouthing dummy .
Re: Outsmarted again! ;D ;D ;D
Re: Home Alone - Inside or Outside? We have a fairly big kitchen with a tiled floor so it was fairly easy to make Lola proof. Safety gate on the...
Re: Told off for an accident He even has conversations with her using a silly voice for Lola's part ;D Today they were talking about which toys...
Re: Cookie says "hello"! Hi from Lola and me!
Re: Told off for an accident That is what Lola has started to do most of the time. He tells me she is a mummies girl and I kinda have to agree...