Re: Visitors.. Help! Ooh yes good idea. Maybe starve her for a few days first. (That's a joke before I get shouted at!) Yes I use filled kongs to...
Re: Visitors.. Help! Gosh thanks for all the tips.. Yes, exhausting her to the point of inability to stand up had occurred to me ;-) I will...
Ok-so-I've just started the adoption process-human not canine-and will shortly be visited at home by a social worker. This is terrifying enough...
Re: Location of forum members? Glasgow!
Re: Poisonous to dogs Watch out for chewing gum too.
Re: Posting a photo from Flickr BB code thing totally works. :-) Cool.
Re: Labrador Puppies Home Alone - your thoughts Thanks for all the encouragement. :-|
Re: Labrador Puppies Home Alone - your thoughts Thanks for the advice :-)
Re: Labrador Puppies Home Alone - your thoughts Oh well I wanted to move house anyway ;-)
Re: Labrador Puppies Home Alone - your thoughts Hope I haven't overreacted.
Re: Labrador Puppies Home Alone - your thoughts I just rang them. If they do leave a note they won't get a reply in 24 hours because they're...
Re: Labrador Puppies Home Alone - your thoughts Yeah- they'll know it was me for sure as I'm the only one who has a dog. They're really nice...
Re: Labrador Puppies Home Alone - your thoughts Do think they'll come round? I suppose it's best to tell them is it even though I don't know for...
Re: Labrador Puppies Home Alone - your thoughts Hi. I really need some advice and it is relevant to this subject. I live upstairs from a family...
Re: Posting a photo from Flickr [img] image by rosamundanollina, on Flickr
Re: Benson has never barked... I guess not a working thing then! You're so lucky! I don't mind it but I teach at home quite a lot it's a...
Re: Benson has never barked... You're lucky! Enjoy it! Vespa didn't bark till she was 1 1/2. I was so happy. Then she went to stay at the dog...
Re: Slimdoggy - the next instalment Stunning dogs. :-)
Re: Be tick aware Ahhh-the green welly stop. :-) Always heralds a good day out/trip! The Loch Katrine walk was last year-it just sticks in my...
Re: being unkind to your dog?! Fair enough! Just for the record-I've never used it as a choke device as such. There's no yanking about involved....