Hello Beth, my young lab loves retrieving from water , her favourite thing! She didn’t do this until 7.5 months, we didn’t push anything, just...
I got her from a breeder in Lampeter mid Wales. That may be too far given current situation?
Gwenni loves an orange segment! As a young pup she used to bark at and toss around the peel. She loves fruit and will pick blackberries from the...
Hello, I have a young working lab. She is very clever and very athletic. She loves cuddles on the sofa at night. She was surprisingly hard work...
Sounds like he has a lovely space and playmate and as you say doesn’t sound like he’s overdoing the walking / exercise . Maybe others on here may...
Hello, how much exercise as in walk time/ distance is he getting a day ? I’m just thinking about the guidance given for pups until they are 12...
You may not have a choice at the moment. Most vets here are not doing them due to the virus situation. By us they are booking in for May , but I...
Your girl sounds quite similar to my Gwenni when she was younger. I understand from your posts that your girl is also car sick. Gwenni had a...
Many of us find having a puppy a challenge don’t worry it’s not just you ! There are a number of threads and advice from Pippa on how to get your...
Ohhhhh , she’s been cracking over the last few months, hope it’s not the start of something! Been doing lots of training on the beach and...
My Gwenni was sick in the car on our first journey home and I think that possibly set a pattern of behaviour and she would drool to the point of...
So I thought my 13 month old Gwenni’s recall was pretty good. But she has gone into supersniffer mode at times on our walks in the last few days...
Do you have any Welsh heritage or connections , I could suggest plenty of strong Welsh names! My dog’s name is Gwenni, it suits her I think
When I have rescued and bought another dog into the house, we met with the other dog at least 3 times, walking them together, sitting on sofa...
Hello, we waited until we felt our Gwenni was ready. That was around 11 months for us. Still made sure there were only a few fun things like shoes...
I love a cuddle with my dog on the sofa. I have a few sets of covers that wash well. She didn’t get on the sofa though until 6 months as I didn’t...
Hello, just a thought... do you know anyone with a friendly dog who may oblige and show her the way? The temptation to pee where another dog has...
That is so very sad and she was lucky to have been regimes to you. I had a rescue border collie , the farmer who had owned him was sent to jail...
Thank you for your reply and very considered advice. I felt that if I could take her back to him gently on the lead and empathised with his...
I was walking my girl on the beach yesterday. She and so many dogs were having a great time. Apart from one poor dog. I have been so troubled by...