Thanks both for your replies - really appreciate it. Interesting to know that you would both avoid any meetings for now and it's not just me...
Hi, I feel a little out of my depth with this problem and not sure if I’m fussing too much as a puppy mum! Or if I should be worried. We...
Had great fun yesterday playing drop. He did brilliantly with potatoes, kids shoes, pants, kids toys and nappies (clean!). Over half even brought...
Pulling my pants out of my old labs front of my future MIL is a special treasured memory - she was fairly horrified :oops: :)
Oh ok - I wasn't sure if me throwing it rather than him picking it up himself of his own accord was the differing thing here that I needed to...
P.S - thanks for the help and ideas :)
So at the moment he's pretty good with toys. If I throw one - he'll run and get it and bring it straight back and we'll have a little game of tug...
Swop is a good one - it sounds nice and upbeat - thanks :-) Would you start that off by going to him with a treat and holding the thing he's got...
Not heaps of progress this week but my fault. 1. Loose lead walking - He’s a little star at this (with no distractions)! I’m probably treating...
Hi, Hope you are feeling a bit better today :-) I get how you're feeling - I've got a 15 week old pup, and two kids - just 1 year old and a 4...
Thanks both - all this confusion and I've only just started the basics!! Oh dear :-) Yep you're right - so 'off' is 4 paws on the floor for...
Oooh ok - that's interesting with the stay / wait. I see your point - and now can't actually think why the wait / stay is needed :-) :-) Just...
Snowbunny - thanks very much for the comments. You've nailed the 'interesting' thing. With our old lab, we were absolutely in the 'walking...
I used different dog care options for my old lab over the years and from the mistakes I made - I absolutely agree it’s got to be the right fit....
This is just a little training log for me to make sure I manage to progress with our lad’s training and not stall. I’m not doing aiming for...
Thanks both - really helpful and much appreciated. I hadn't thought about getting him to go and play again after he'd come back so I'm not always...
Hi, Just wondered if there are any tips that I should be doing to try and not let charging off to other dogs become a big problem. Our little...
Well I popped his lead on and he trotted along beside my leg around the house. I think he was very aware I had a pocket full of treats but a good...
Boogie - I do get what you mean with the focus. Very different a stranger saying hello when it looks like you are just having a stroll up the road...
Oh no - I've been letting him say hello to people when carrying him around. Good point though - I'll try and get 'look only' experiences going...