Hi, my rescue lab is 9 years old and weighs 40kg, he's a big dog and not overweight. We had a lively walk on the beach 2 days ago with his lab...
I'm crying at the thought of the poor dog caged for so long every day? Please find her a new home or she will go mad, like polar bears in a zoo....
Mine arrived today also. Read as far as page 61 this afternoon, easy to read and has taught me several things already!
I have the exact opposite problem, my 9 year old rescue won't use the garden at all, apart from a couple of runny poo incidents. I have been...
Wisdom DNA test, took a few weeks as the swab goes to the state's to be tested. I didn't state what kind of dog he was, just his age and weight.
My rescue lab is huge and I was convinced he was a cross. Turns out he's pedigree back to great grandparents. Fun to find out.
I always use nail polish remover on cotton wool to smother the little devils, then use a tick pick to remove the dead body.
Wasps don't leave the stinger behind, that is bees that do that and then die.
Finn gets so frightened at the vets he has to be muzzled for the staff to be safe. He sits in the waiting room no problem, but once in the...
Thanks for the quick response. Why on earth did I not think of videos?! That will help enormously I'm sure, thanks very much.
Advice please! Finn is an 8yr old rescue black lab. We have had him for 7 months now and couldn't wish for a better dog (except his recall which...
Have had my rescue lab for almost 7 months and he never asks to go out, and he won't use his garden for pee or poo. So I walk him 3 times a day...
I wish Finn would use the garden! He refuses to do anything at all at home, so I have to take him out 3 or 4 times a day so he can pee and poo to...
I have a rescue black lab, which I was convinced was a cross as his head is massive and jowly. I had a DNA test done and he is full pedigree lab...
Neither did I till last night! Happy to report all is well this morning, no harm done.
Finn the black lab got a long way away from me on the beach today (Kent, England) and ate a fair few of what I think are cuttlefish eggs before I...
When Finn was scratching like mad, the vet thought it might be an allergy and prescribed him human Piriton, not licensed for dogs so had to sign a...
I got the results today of a DNA test I had done on my rescue lab x. It states he is pure bred, but have never seen a pedigree lab with a ruff...
Exactly the same problem with Finn, no harm meant but could be difficult or even dangerous. Will keep trying, have signed up to a training course...
Finn demolishes a pigs ear in 7 minutes, I timed him!